
Thursday 5 December 2013

Download Razer Game Booster Offline Standalone Installer

Download Razer Game Booster Offline Standalone Installer

Razer Game Booster

Getting the absolute best performance out of your system and games isn’t rocket science but it can sure be tough to figure out. In partnership with IObit, Razer Game Booster is your simple yet powerful solution.

All it takes is a click of a button, and it will automatically enhance the state of your system and focus all its resources purely for gaming, allowing you to zone in onyour game the way it’s supposed to be played without wasting time searching online for the best game settings or configurations.
Game ModeThis feature focuses in on your game by temporarily shutting down unnecessary functions and applications, putting all your resources purely for gaming, allowing you to zone in on your game the way it’s supposed to be played without wasting time on settings or configurations.

Pick your game, click on the "Launch" button and let us do the rest to reduce stress on your computer and improve frames per second.
Configure SettingsWorried about what programs are being temporarily shut down? Click on "Configure" to see what processes are being temporarily shut down. Feel free to take control and decide what runs and closes. To assist you, this mode provides you with details of your PC, from how much memory the processes and services are taking up to the percentage of CPU usage each program consumes. It’s time to free up some space foryour games!

Stay calm and keep cool

Integrated at the bottom of the launcher screen is a temperature monitor to make sure you can keep an eye on your PC overheating.

Calibrate Mode

Simplify the process of setting up your PC’s performance by conveniently providing you with the option to Tweak, Defrag, or update any outdated drivers.

Don’t know where to start to optimize your computer and gaming settings? Remove all the confusion with the "Tweak" tool, which will automatically analyze your PC and enhance all configurations for you.

If you want to decrease the load time of your games, try using the "Defrag" tool. Defrag will organize your game file folders and keep it organized to run more efficiently.

The driver tool will keep your PC up-to-date. Click on “Drivers”, for a quick scan of your computer components and see what’s outdated and needs to be upgraded.

Expert Mode

Consider yourself an expert in the PC Realm? Click on the "Tweak" tool and checkmark "Expert Mode". From here, you will have access to several processes and services to optimize and tweak just to your liking. The "Restore" dropdown list will allow you to undo your tweaks and return to Windows default settings. You can also save your personal tweaks with the "Operate" dropdown list. Export your personal tweaks and provide them to a buddy to import, so the both of you can run your games in peak performance.

Know the ins of your system

Go to the "Diagnose" screen and click "Analyze" to know exactly what’s going on with your computer. This will provide you with a full detailed report of hardware and software information pertaining to your computer. This report can then be exported or copied and sent to a computer guru to provide you with additional advice to enhance your PC.

Share Mode

Have you ever wanted to record video from your favorite game? Enjoy Share mode, a bonus feature where you can show off your skills, create tutorials, and more with the ability to record real-time audio/video and capture screenshots.

Create Machinima and join the You Tube revolution! Set up the keys the way you want to show/hide your frames per second, record high-quality gameplay footage, and capture in-game screenshots. Now you can share your favorite gaming moments and scenes with all your buddies.
Screen CaptureDid we mention how easy it is to take high-quality in-game screenshots? With a press of a key, you can capture an epic moment and share it with a friend or use it as a desktop wallpaper.



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